Xinjiang situation

Every china traveler knows without your passport at hand, xray scan and full body tap you may not enter any regular train or bus-station. On a regular day you will maybe pass 10 Id checks in a day. Some of them less noticed like at the hotel or when you buy a train, bus or plane ticket. Others more apparent like before entering or some times also when exiting any public building.

Xinjiang under its new governor, has Double or even tripled that and combined it with racial profiling. There are police checkpoints asking different looking people to leave the vehicle undergo biometric id, xray and baggage / car checks every 50 – 100 km. The 3-4 police checkpoints easily ad up to a extra full hour on your 6 hour bus ride through the desert.
Checkpoints are also common In cities and clog up many major roads. In Xinjiang you will be checked 20 – 30 times a day. If your Han Chinese maybe 5-10 times.

These security measures are meant to reassure the Han settlers of their safety, but is very likely to create a lot of anger and frustrations with all other ethnic group.

As a tourist you will likely feel annoyed and persecuted by the police. I have been interrogated and tailed on several occasions by the foreigners police. Requesting to see your pictures, with the pretext of protecting religious groups. I heard of formatted phones and sd cards. They will suspect you to be a journalist.
Many other times they will just not let foreigners enter villages, neighbourhoods or entire valleys without reason or notice. Many times you will find a half illiterate police or army watchdog at a roadblock. Just waving you away while locals pass unchecked with chicken, motorbikes and cars.

All these These ridiculous and excessive measures are likely to overcast your Xinjiang and china experience will make you think twice before returning to this country.

More information in a historical context of the geostrategic context.

xinjiang le dessous des cartes

Eduard Heldman
Eduard Heldman


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